Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Its raining, its pouring, and Heidi is snoring

Well there isn't much going on with  me today. But I am kinda bored so I thought I'd blog a little. Its pretty sopping wet outside but I made myself walk up to campus to drop my computer off at the "fix your stupid computer center." Yep. Mine is being dumb. So now it is at the doctor being looked at and I am using the lab computer.

Well I called Maytag last night and explained my frustrations about having to actually make an appointment to see him or talk to him. I cried like a little girl. Sigh. weakness. GRRRR! But he was very nice and listened to everything I had to say before he responded. 

I was quite pleasantly surprised by this, as he sometimes gets defensive. The man has a voice and a way about him like rich, dark, deep, decadent, sweet milk chocolate. I am excited again to see him on Saturday. My birthday is on Sunday and I wanted to be out with someone not only attractive, but who I feel real comfortable with and valuable to. I wasn't feeling that way before and thats why I called him to complain about it. 

He says in words that I am important to him and that he values me... sometimes I don't see it in his actions. I told him to show me, not tell me. He said he's a writer, not an actor. I am not sure if he understood what I meant.


Apryle Moss said...

Sorry you are having computer problems. I hope it gets working soon. I hate when we have computer problems. Guys I swear that they are just so dang clueless. You have to tell them exactly what you want or they just don't get it. I don't know. I hope that you have a happy birthday. I will try and remember to write on your birthday. I hope you are well I will talk to you later.
Take Care

Andrea Hardman said...

He's a dork. What can you do? I'm sorry I didn't call you back yesterday. I forgot. that happens a lot to me, ever notice? Sigh. Anyway, I've got to go to Brooklyn's class but I'll be back and try to call then. Love you!

Sandy N said...

Men are so clueless. But I hahve to admit I think it was pretty funny when he said he was a writer not an actor. I am impressed that he communicated that much... :)
No... I dont know him but I have been married for 11 years and I have to say that most men are pretty much non communicators, even more so when it comes to feelings. So I am impressed

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