Anyway, the photo shoot was fun. Lots of cute kids. It was an all day affair. We got to the site around 9 and finished up around 4. I have a lovely sunburn. Yes, I put on sunblock... and YES, I missed some spots. D'oh! Oh well... I'll be a lobster for a while.
Even though I like my new job, I must say I HATE starting new jobs. I am such a nervous wreck not knowing how things work or if I'm doing okay or what I'm doing. For the next few weeks I will be wondering every day if I'll survive. My boss is very cool though. He's super patient and fun to work with.
In other news, I'm still not feeling like myself. I know this has to wear off sometime, but it's scary and I feel like I'm losing myself and everyone I love. The past two days I've kind of gotten paralyzed in front of the tv after work. I sit there and wonder what the point is in my life. Is it just to work? Does anyone else ever wonder what to do with their life? I kinda wish I was a mom. It seems to me that would feel really purposeful. What kind of questions run through your minds, you mom's out there?
I guess the thing I really want the most is meaningful relationships with friends and family. I don't want to feel alone. (I know, just like everyone else). Anyway, that's what's been on my mind today. What's on your mind?