There's not much new going on with me today. Later this week I'm taking a very exciting trip to Palmyra, NY. I love my adventures with Aunt Julie! Seriously... I would be such a dull, un-cultured girl without her! Anyway, we'll be gone for a week.
Some people wanted to know, and others, I could'a swore I told... but the plan is to live in SLC with Julie until she leaves on her English teaching adventure in August(?) or July... not sure. Then I'll be living with my lovely parents again. You all should come over and see what kind of havoc I have wreaked on the place come October or so. But you should come see me before then too!
I have been given the okay to paint ONE small wall in the basement bathroom purple... I also intend to set up a nice little kitchen area for myself and a make-shift living room too! So it'll be like my own little apartment! I'm living with my parents while I pay them back the massive amounts of dough they spent on me to get me through college!
Anyway, I am still looking for a new job. I miss my old one. Alas... it is time to move on. I really want to get hired on somewhere at a print shop that does full bindery work. I've always wanted to know how books are put together.
Okay, I am blathering on now... Talk to you all soon!
1 comment:
i'm digging the new blog layout.......
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