I have a friend who was severely neglected as a child and throughout his whole life. I've known him for a few years now. He learned at a very young age that the ONLY way to survive (literally and emotionally) was to do everything for yourself. He learned that if he never "needed" anything from anyone, no one could hurt him. He began cooking his own meals as a toddler. For as long as I've known him he has had a rock solid defense and nothing emotional (good or bad) got in and nothing came out.
He spoke about feeling empty and ailen from the world. It makes perfect sense to me considering what he had to live through up to this point. He truly did not allow himself to feel anything. Nothing at all... indifference.
This last week he told me about an experience he had the week before. By some miracle he was able to feel something so deeply that it totally threw him! I have never heard him speak in any manner other than pure elloquence, but when he told this story he stuttered BAD and he shook. I know this sounds kind of common for someone who's gone through something emotional, but you don't know this guy. He truly was the ROCK. NOTHING got in. I'm not exaggerating!
Anyway, he said he doesn't know how the rest of the world does this whole thing where they have to feel things. Because it scares him (I'm assuming on that part). I was way sad that the emotion he experienced had to be such a painful one, but I've been praying for him for several years now and to see him make a step in the right direction; especially a step this big... Was miraculous! I am so excited for him. I know he's got a long Hellish road to travel, but I feel like he's going to make it and I can hardly contain my excitement for him!
Another miracle... Sweet little Brooklyn is starting to walk. She walked for me today. It was SO cute! You can tell she is SO proud of herself! She giggles and grins like crazy about it. I just want to squeeze that cute little baby! Oh I love her!
And I finished my website on time and my logo and I will finish my portfolio on time. Another miracle. Among several more that I can think of as profound. :D
I'm in a good mood this morning. I couldn't sleep cuz I kept daydreaming so I thought I'd get up and type about all the things I was so happily thinking about.